When is the time right to upgrade your SCADA system?
Planning is essential to install an effective upgrade
The most common response to this question is probably a few months before you find out it’s too late… (don’t get to that point).
SCADA systems are used to monitor and control industrial processes in various industries, including manufacturing, energy, utilities and other industrial processes. These are usually highly critical environments, where plant or process downtime can cause damage and incur huge costs, if not reliably monitored.
Has your SCADA system gone ignored? Is it time for an upgrade?
With fewer engineering resources available, and more demands on remote working, your SCADA system has probably been given less attention than it deserves over the last few years. But with your existing system, there are probably more reasons than even you realise, that it’s time to plan for an upgrade to your SCADA system. And furthermore, an upgrade to your SCADA system can bring additional benefits that might end up paying for the upgrade.
If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it – is a SCADA system upgrade essential?
We all know this old adage, but those with a technical mind know there’s usually a massive downside if something as critical as a SCADA system fails at a bad time. And is there ever a good time? What’s more, if the reason your SCADA system going down is that it is running on an ‘out of support’ operating system or PC, then the time to repair and recover could cost tens of thousands.
And what’s the upside to upgrading a SCADA system?
To learn more about the benefits of upgrading and what to ask for when you start the process, follow this link here.
And the same goes for PLCs, many processes and manufacturing industries are running on PLCs & other control system hardware that is long past its service life, where spare parts are rare and ‘end-of-life’ is getting near. For information on this topic click here.

“What’s more, if the reason your SCADA system going down is that it is running on an ‘out of support’ operating system or PC, then the time to repair and recover could cost tens of thousands”